1) A pair of open-toed boots from DSW. They were a whopping $70 but looked so cute on me. I saw them, didn't buy them and then went back to dsw to buy them. However, with my 'price per use' buying approach there was NO way I could justify them.
2) A pair of $30 simple black shoes from Payless. Good for winter. Comfortable. However the style was not great and I just bought them out of desperation. If I'd kept them I probably would've fought an immediate grumbling desire for 'better' shoes. Glad I took 'em back and kept looking.
3) A sweater from Old Navy. I'd bought one for $34.50 and then it went on sale for like $19 or something. Returned the old, got a different one.
4) I bought a few things from Marshall's that I didn't need, but wanted. A pair of silicone coated tongs, 2 small au gratin dishes. I realized I already have a pair of silicone tongs and the dishes I just wanted cuz they'd complete a set I have but I have no real need of them and haven't used the one piece I do have yet. I also returned some furniture cream and tights. I went home and looked at the couch and couldn't find the spot I'd wanted the cream for, maybe it's cuz of the low winter light. And the tights? Definitely not a need.
5) I bought a pretty cheap pasta dough roller and cutter and turns out it worked like it was pretty cheap. I also bought a silicone pot handle cover. The pasta machine went back due to bad performance, the handle cover because it wasn't a need -I've been able to manage thus far without one.
So, that's all I can think of at the moment. As I've mentioned before, I have a HUGE case of the wants this month. I've prayed for contentment. Still praying for contentment.
This 'case of the wants' is so bad I actually had an impromptu 'table sale' (a very mini version of a yard sale) when my in-laws came over last night. Made a few dollars, happy about that, but what would that 'Ask Eloise' person say about me as a hostess? Probably not good things. Although she probably would first be lambasting me for letting the in-laws do the cooking of the dinner we invited them over for.
Acck! Acck! So, this month still has 13 days and despite all of the above returns there are other non-essential items I bought and kept (some wilton frosting tips, legos, cardamom for $10, extra junk food, a wallet for $40 when I could've gotten a less nice one for about $15) and a few incidents of 'lost' money, eg bought some undies and bras at an outlet store - dont wanna pay for gas to go back and try to return them, let alone not sure if they allow returns. Had to buy tabs for the car. Got a $40 ticket because they were expired (didn't realize this) and bought $10 earrings that don't work for my ears only to then see a 'final sale' sticker on them - so, there will be reckoning come November 1st. It just might be a 5.9 on the Richter scale versus a 7.9 or something given some of my attempts to make good of certain bad buying choices.
Oh, and in case you're curious, the money from the 'table sale' will not be going to cover prior 'extra' purchases but rather to fund another purchase or two. Yea.... I think I need a check-up to immunize me against this nasty, nasty case of the wants. I have mixed feelings about confessing it here. No doubt this will spur Nick on to further crack down on my misaligned heart, and as you can see I am not exactly cooperating with the change I am praying for...
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